A ribbon cutting is the ceremonial opening of a brand new, newly renovated, rebranded, or relocated business. Your ribbon cutting is an important part of your overall marketing plan, and the Terrell County Chamber of Commerce is here to help!
What does the Chamber do for my ribbon cutting?
The Chamber will include your ribbon cutting in the online events calendar, announce the ribbon cutting via our Facebook page, and share the ribbon cutting with our email members.
The Chamber will invite ambassadors, chamber members, local officials, and/or press outlets.
The Chamber will provide the big scissors, bow, and ribbon for the event.
At least one Chamber staff representative will attend the ribbon cutting and provide remarks.
After the event, the Chamber will share photos and/or video from the ribbon cutting.
What do I do for my ribbon cutting?
Ribbon cuttings are a complementary service for our members. If you're not a member yet, complete your online application, stop by the Chamber to sign up, or email [email protected] and ask how to sign up.
Confirm your date and time with Chamber staff at least 2 weeks prior. We will do our best to accommodate your preference depending on our availability.
Invite your friends, family, fans, and customers to join in the celebration by attending your ribbon cutting. You could do this through an email invitation, Facebook event, letter, etc.
Prepare to say a few words to your guests at the event. You may choose to introduce your staff, offer a facility tour, or simply thank the attendees for celebrating with you and your team.
Prepare a place for the photo opportunity and ribbon cutting to take place. Typically, the best place is at your front door or in front of a logo inside your facility.
Best Practices
The best times to schedule are on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 10-1.
Make it a party! Small decorations like balloons or signage and light refreshments can make a big impact on the celebratory feel of the event.
Encourage people to attend by offering door prizes, exclusive coupons, etc. for your guests.